The Regia rainbow socks are the perfect crew length now, but I'll keep knitting until the yarn's out, because that's the main reason I start from the toe. There may just be enough yarn for knee-socks for my 9-yr old, or pretty darn close. Two little balls can go a long way!
As if one pair weren't enough, I've started what I call my chocolate creams socks. Yes, you CAN make brown with Kool-Aid! Two-thirds of a skein of Knit Picks Dye-Your-Own sock yarn took 10 packs of lemon-lime and 2 packs of cherry. On the stove, I kept adding the powder while the stock was hot, so it absorbed unevenly, but I do like that mottled hand-dyed look. For the watermelon & lemon-lime stripes, 1 pack each, I mixed the dye into cool water, dipped the the yarn, THEN heated it to almost simmering, and dye absorbs much more evenly that way.
To start, wind a huge hank on chairs spaced 18 feet apart. Loosely tie waste yarn all around so it doesn't get tangled, then tie the first 3 feet and last 3 feet tightly, and those ends get dipped in pink & green, and the middle 12 feet into brown.

This is my simple toe-up sock pattern on 2mm 100cm Addi Turbos. I actually thought I had invented this cast-on, until I got the Fall 05 Vogue and read Meg Swanson's turkish cast-on article.
CO 12 sts each needle, then use your favorite increase the begining & end of each needle (4 total each sock) EOR until it's as wide as your foot - I need 72 sts around. I like the peasant heel, where you knit in waste yarn to knit the heel later, so the stripe sequence isn't broken. Before too much of the yarn is knitted, I stop and knit with the yarn from the other end of the ball for the heel, then keep knitting the cuff till I run out of yarn. Brilliant!
I tried the Watermelon project in Yarns to Dye For, and though I got the color sequence off (the greens are backwards), it'll still knit up fresh and juicy. I opted to dot the seeds on later, so they'll be in perfect places. I'm thinking a Booga Bag might be just the thing for this yarn.

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