An awesome functional work of art arrived in the mail today. Even my fiance gasped when he saw it in action, "That is really cool!"
My new wooden yarn swift opens up to 104", so now I can easily make big hanks for dyeing. My old handmade semi-swift is exactly 2 yards around, and can make a fine hank, but after the wool shrinks a bit from dyeing, I have to resort to a tiny pair of impatient hands to wind balls.
DD couldn't resist the swift, either. With a quick glance at my (visible) stash, DD grabbed deep red hank and asked, "Hey Mom, isn't this my mitten yarn? Can I wind it in a ball?"
Since she'd spent many afternoons with me at the yarn shop, she could operate a swift like a pro. After admiring her Kool-Aid wool ball, she asked, "Do you have any more I can wind?"
Many yarn balls later, we had to wash wool bits out of our eyelashes and nostrils. Then after I tucked DD into bed, I sat down and designed a top-down mitten pattern. It looks good on paper, but after working it, I can see the increase frequency needs tweaking, and my intented stitch pattern - the letter R - looks funny in purls, because the vertical bands receed and the horizontal bands protrude. It's back to the drawing board....
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