It's been cold lately, so DF wears one of my knit hats everyday. He almost exclusively favors the first one, made on a Knifty Knitter. It's starting to look a little ratty now, and probably shouldn't be worn in public anymore, but he still wears it, and that means a lot to me.
But for over a week, he wouldn't wear this new one. He wouldn't even pick it up to feel it or try it on. My feelings started to get hurt. Was it the color, the cables, or was he afraid that it would itch? So I kindly asked, "Is the cap just not your style honey? If not, I can knit you something else that you like better."
He replied, "Oh no, it's just that it's SO perfect, that I don't want to mess it up. You worked so hard on those little twists, and it's pure wool, and...."
I reassured him, "Honey, it only LOOKS hard to make. If it gets dirty, I'll wash it for you, and if something happens to it, I can easily knit you another one in a weekend."
The next day, he wore it, and it hasn't come off since.
Awww, what a sweet story! It is a beautiful hat - I don't blame him for being afraid to wear it!