My adventures with yarn, fiber, and fabric.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Azalea Bristol from Verena Knitting Summer 2010
For the first time in a long time, I'm knitting a project from a pattern. Verena Knitting has some beautiful lace tops in their Summer 2010 issue. I want to knit almost every single one!
Sticking with my own knitting traditions, I'm making heavy modifications to tailor this pattern to my liking, and to Arkansas' climate: shorten length by 3 inches, make it short-sleeved, add waist shaping, knit the smallest size instructions but at a gauge that’ll give me a medium size.
The schematics show a boxy sweater, but on the model, I detect a little waist shaping! Is this one of those styling tricks, where they pin the models clothes in the back, to give the illusion of perfect fit? Is it in the blocking? When I wear a boxy tunic, I look like I'm wearing a boxy tunic, but in the magazine, the model looks like she's wearing a tailored form-fitting tunic.
With my experience, I know to create this hourglass silhouette, I need to nip the waist. Starting w/ lace row #8, and every 8 rows, I dec’ed 1 st at each edge, down to 7 sts less each edge, so I had to accommodate a little on the lace pattern, but only at the sides. In the 3rd lace rep, row #8 is the last dec row. Then row #16 will be the first inc, and then every 4th row until #24. Then on #6, every 6 rows until I’m back to 91 sts.
hello, please give me and me if you can schedule to this model, or if the model can be scanned. Many thanks. Email: