I prepare for what would've been a colorful weekend of yarn dyeing. A good friend and I had planned to do this together, making self-patterning yarn from our KnitPicks
Color-Your-Own, but her abusive boyfriend forbids us to hang out. His logic is that I'm a lesbian, otherwise I'd want to be with him. The rest of the story is long and sad, and I feel sorry for her, but she always forgives his beatings and perpetually returns. Alas, there's nothing I can do about it, and now she hates me because I express my disgust for the insanity. So I will handcraft my yarn alone, and hope that our friendship is not lost forever. Please pray for the millions of abused women out there.

On a lighter note, the timing of this project couldn't be more perfect. My DD's top is a lesson in varigated colorways. Here we see a definite pattern forming, and as I decrease for armholes, the pattern changes into blobs. Since I'm only a few rows away from the shoulder straps, I might complete it, and have a strangely striped tie-dye tank-top. Or I can completely start over, and by alternatenating stripes from two different skeins going in opposite colorway directions, I may get a better pattern.

I adore these little
Nifty Nets. Sort of like an onion bag, they snuggle around your center-pull balls, and prevent them from getting tangled as you knit. Sure, I can keep using old pantyhose, but these are just 50 cents a pop, and much cuter.

At 13",
Tempting is ready for arms now. I got these bamboo dpn's for the project, but then I realized, will I knit a different gauge than metal? I have a metal set of 4 already, but I want to try 5 dpn's - I hear it's easier to avoid ladders - and want to try bamboo. To be safe, I will use the metal for Tempting.
The bamboo will be excellent to complete my wine cozy. I am going to frog my first Fair Isle project (!) because I both knitted and stranded WAY too tightly, and got what looks like colorwork ribbing.

Other than crooked swatches, this is the first project I ever knit on needles, back in late January. It's a six-foot-long, moss stitch scarf on 9mm needles, in LB Landscapes I bought in Kansas. It was a lesson in different dye lots (but I was still clever enough to alternate several rows to compensate) and it also features twisted knit stitches (I used to wrap the yarn wrong). Being the sentimental fool that I am, I still cherish my first project, and I keep the labels in a scrapbook. A few days ago, while shopping at Michaels locally, I found this same yarn on sale, again in 2 different dye lots, but I love this yarn so I bought all 6 balls left. Coincidentally, it's the exact same 2 dye lots of my scarf! So now I'm contemplating whether I should frog my FIRST project, and duplicate it (mistakes and all) with matching dye lots.
NO, don't! *grin* Sorry, I'm also sentimental, especially about my first projects. I wouldn't rip out the scarf, I'd just alternate the two dye lots again. Just my thoughts!