Sunday, January 29, 2006

The Fastest Knitter, Part 2

The Fastest KnitterOnce again, I entered the Michael's Yarn Event knitting contest. This time I had 7 other contestants competing for a basket of goodies. Since I've snapped this photo of it along with the first daffodil of spring (???) it's obvious that I won!

With stockingnette, my average is about 2 stitches per second. This sounds too slow to me, so I need to begin a knitting workout program. With the Knitting Olympics around the corner, this is the perfect opportuntity to learn speed knitting. That way, I won't have to worry about balling up more than I can knit. Ha!

1 comment:

  1. did michael's the craft store have this contest? sounds like it was alot of fun! congrats on winning!!


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