Four jobs you have had in your life
1. Bank teller
2. Bartender
3. Webmaster of Skatepaige.com
4. Manager of The Handworks Gallery
Four movies you could watch over and over
1. Chicago
2. Grease
3. Phantom of the Opera
4. Anything with Jim Carey
Four places you have lived
1. Taiwan
2. California
3. Alabama
4. Arkansas
Four TV shows you love to watch
1. King of Queens
2. Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
3. Criminal Minds
4. Sex and the City
Four places you have been on vacation
1. New York City
2. San Diego, CA
3. Panama City, FL
4. The Bahamas
Four websites you visit daily
1. Yahoo.com
2. Ebay.com
3. Google.com
4. Knit Blogs: wendyknits.net, knitandtonic.typepad.com, nonaknits.typepad.com, alison.knitsmiths.us, yarnharlot.ca, craftyasschick.com, knittingsolo.com, purlicue.blogspot.com, chickitoo.blogspot.com, etc...
Four places you’d rather be right now
1. Shopping in NYC
2. Stitch 'n' Bitch
3. Camping
4. A nice seafood restaurant
Four bloggers you are tagging
1. Kristie
2. Susannah
3. Kelley
4. Chris
I know you are not tagging me but you did say Chris. I learn more and more about you. I like to bike and camp? Grease is the greatest movie of all time! Ok well maybe not that good but it is one of my favorites!