Thursday, February 24, 2005

Yarnaholic with KDHD

Circular Knitting Needles and Cotton YarnI think have KDHD. I start projects with good intentions, but after several rows of the same stitch, I'm already thinking of what else I can make, so away I swatch....

My WIP's are 3 scarves, a sweater for Raven, a sweater for Paige, 2 different pairs of socks, Char's birthday present, handmade knitting needles, and experiments with knitting looms too. While I'm busy with all that, I still plan new projects, read books and patterns, and consider investing in a knitting machine.  With the b-day present top priority, everything else is rationed to a few minutes a day.

For the first time, Char and I ventured to the LYS for SEX today, and I had the most incredible yarngasms. I just can't stop thinking about The Handworks Gallery. I like the cottons & merino wools, but I LOVE cashmere and angora (who doesn't?) Designer yarns are pricey though, at almost $100 per pound, the amount needed for a spring sweater!  In the back, we found a modest banana-colored cotton/merino fleece by Brown Sheep Co. Char wants a lightweight poncho, and I'd like to make a lacy spring sweater.

Stash AquisitionHere's all the yarns I've collected over the last week or so.  Yes, there's cheap acrylic and cotton too, because I like practicing with those, and one day, I will turn pauper yarns into works of art.  The dark pink mohair was a whim - not enough for anything more than a scarf, hat, or bag.  For socks, Raven chose this hot pink LB Wool-Ease and Bernat Hot Sox in Tamale, and Char donated the brown & gold mohair so I can make her something spiffy. It's only 10 small balls, so it'll have to be something like a shawl or tiny shell. Luckily, she's no bigger than a size 2, requiring a lot less yarn than my size 8.

KKP-PPKI made up a stitch by accident.  Intending to make a gauge swatch in basic K2-P1 ribbing, and by forgetting the end sts, I came up with this interesting pattern.  Basically, it's KKP (RS), PPK (WS). Technically, it's a seed stitch in between the ribs, but I couldn't find it my "Ultimate Sourcebook of Knitting & Crochet Stitches," so just call it "Seedy Rib."  I'll use it in a sweater for myself someday, after I finish my projects for everybody else.

My knitting needles sold for $70 for 8 pairs on Ebay!  It's not much though, considering the labor involved, but I enjoyed making them.  I'm getting much more efficient at it, and I would like to create a line designer knitting needles.  As long as knitting is "trendy" nowadays, I feel there is money to be made.  Meanwhile, I've get to get back to work - promoting skateboards and all the paperwork involved.  Yawn!

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