Wednesday, April 18, 2007

FO Cotton Ease Machine Top

Ok, I washed it, and still lovin' it!

Yarngear Knits

Yarngear Knits

Yes, I know, some of you are thinkin' that machine-knitting is not really knitting at all. I beg to differ, because it's still the same fabric, albeit perfectly formed stitches, some of it was indeed handknitted, and it was still lovingly crafted by my bare hands.


  1. this is absolutely FABULOUS!!!

  2. It is wonderful! I just bought a knitting machine and look forward to making garments very similar to yours!

  3. I love, love, love your sweater! It makes me want ot purchase a knitting machine!

  4. Sorry to post about something other than your sweater, but I've been seeing these progress bars on alot of crafty type websites, and I'd really like them to keep track of my projects. Where did you get them from?

  5. Mei,

    Hey, love the sweater...are you working on something else right now? Is that why you haven't posted in a while? Just wondering because we miss you :-)


  6. Ok ya'll, if you ask me a question, please leave your email, blog link, or some other form of corespondence, or I have no way to answer.


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